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Writer's pictureDawn Ward

God’s Grace for Our Wayward Children

Grace: God’s influence upon the heart, His unmerited favor.

“But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace…” Galatians 1:15 NLT

Do you remember the moment the Lord first called you into a relationship with Him? You may have just recently asked Jesus into your heart, or maybe you’ve been walking with Him for many years.

Perhaps you were a rebel and tried to outrun the grace of God. After all the wild living, you finally stopped running and accepted His gracious gift of salvation.

As moms of wayward children, we hold on to the hope that someday they will also cease from wandering and receive God’s gift of grace.

Before we were born, God chose us and called us into His grace. He called each of us to Himself while we were still in our mother’s womb. We can do nothing to earn His favor, and nothing we do will ever separate us from His love. He extends this same grace to our children.

“Indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39b NLT

Think back over your lifetime. What has the Lord brought you through? Do you have any regrets?

Would you change anything, especially if you knew that by altering one event, your life might have turned out differently? What if the Lord used these hard things, the years of rebellion, the pain, and the grief to bring you to this place of grace?

For it is here, in this beautiful grace, we receive His unconditional love. Here, our Savior reveals His heart for us, a heart that celebrates reunion. Although we were lost, He found us. This is the relationship with us He longed for and willingly died for.

Jesus seeks to restore our prodigals and will never cease pursuing them, no matter how far they wander. Because of His relentless grace, we can hold on to the hope that His love will one day draw our wayward children home.

“God answers the mess of life with one word: grace.” – Max Lucado.



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from the founder

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Behold all things are made new! In this 52-week devotional, get ready to grow in your Christian walk one week at a time with influential author, mentor, conference speaker, and founder of Inside Out Worldwide, Courtnaye Richard.


Each week, you will be encouraged, challenged, instructed, and equipped through real life topics and practices such as....

  • Spending focused time with God
  • Working well with others in church and at work

  • Trusting God even when you can't see

  • Controlling your emotions from the inside out

  • Setting boundaries in life

  • Self-care principles for Christian women

  • Pressing through fear in life and endeavors

  • And so many more topics


Courtnaye has created this brief, life-changing weekly women's devotional complete with monthly themes, scripture, practical insight, transparency, and a BONUS study guide! Choose to do it alone or use it for a small group. It's time to grow from the Inside Out, this week and beyond!

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