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Becoming a Mom

God can do abundantly greater than anything that we think or ask as we parent our kids.

Becoming a mom is such a wonderful and terrifying experience. When our son was born, I felt a strong wave of love wash over me like an ocean wave and cover me like a blanket. This fullness of love was overwhelming. How could so much love fill a heart? How could that much love even exist? Some of that new, deep love leaked from my eyes.


In an effort to be a great mom, I did everything by the rules (many of the “rules” were different back then). I was trying so hard to be perfect, that I stressed my body into diarrhea. My doctor told me that I was a great mom and not to take life so seriously, and to enjoy it.


Apparently, I am still trying to enjoy the moments. After years of giving the problems to God, and knowing that He is bigger than anything in our lives, I still struggle. I still stress too much and worry. This is a testing of my faith.

Do I really believe that God is greater?

Yes, I do.

The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Truth is, we were not made to stress. Stress is actually saying to ourselves that the problem is bigger than God. That is simply not true. God is bigger! Instead, we are meant to trust in Him. We are meant to seek Him in everything. We are to live in His ways, not the world's.


Ephesians 3:20-21 (KJV) reminds us, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”


God can do abundantly greater than anything that we think or ask! So we need to let His Spirit work in us towards His greater plan. That means doing the opposite of our own expectations. It means letting go and letting God. Through it all, He will strengthen our faith as we press into trusting Him more as moms.



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from the founder

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Behold all things are made new! In this 52-week devotional, get ready to grow in your Christian walk one week at a time with influential author, mentor, conference speaker, and founder of Inside Out Worldwide, Courtnaye Richard.


Each week, you will be encouraged, challenged, instructed, and equipped through real life topics and practices such as....

  • Spending focused time with God
  • Working well with others in church and at work

  • Trusting God even when you can't see

  • Controlling your emotions from the inside out

  • Setting boundaries in life

  • Self-care principles for Christian women

  • Pressing through fear in life and endeavors

  • And so many more topics


Courtnaye has created this brief, life-changing weekly women's devotional complete with monthly themes, scripture, practical insight, transparency, and a BONUS study guide! Choose to do it alone or use it for a small group. It's time to grow from the Inside Out, this week and beyond!

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