What if God wrote us a personal letter today? What would He say?
Recently, I was on a road trip, listening to Keith Green. As I belted out his songs, I felt God calling me to sing in the praise band at church. I have always loved to sing, as my parents could testify. This experience spurred me to watch an old video where the singer claimed, “God wrote me the song, ‘When I Hear the Praises Start’ as a love letter to me, and just gave it to me whole-cloth.” Keith Green is a great example of someone who became his authentic, creative self during his life on this earth.
What if God could write us a personal letter today? What would he say? I think God would say that we should be our true, authentic creative selves. He wouldn't want anything else for us, because he loves us so dearly. David is an example in scripture of a creative type doing his work for the glory of God. He could be considered the Poet Laureate of scripture.
It seems to me that if God could write us a personal letter today, He would say that we are precious to him. For it says in John 15:14 “No longer do I call you servants, but I have called you friends.” Scripture testifies that David and Moses truly had a nearness and intimacy with God. Deuteronomy 34 states, “Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.” But even still, Peter and John really took friendship with their Savior to the next level. They walked and talked with him. Because of the Holy Spirit, we can do that today.
When I began singing on the worship team I felt unworthy and it took some adjustment. The first time I stood on that stage, my throat turned dry and my hands were shaking. I wanted to make a beeline out of the sanctuary. Yet I realized this is for others, and my courage can inspire friends to also use their talents for the glory of God. It has since gotten easier to stand in front of others and proclaim God’s love. I can now do it without fear, knowing I am seeking who He wants me to be.
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