Escapism is temporary. Faith in God is forever.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve fallen into the trap of escapism more than I care to admit.
If I’m honest, I’ve turned to all types of things to distract myself from harsh and unpleasant circumstances - daydreaming, insomnia, oversleeping, shopping, movies, friends, vacations, horoscopes, Buzzfeed quizzes, personality tests, unhealthy relationships, toxic friendships, and more.
But escapism doesn’t work. No matter how hard we try to avoid challenging moments and seasons - we can’t. The only way to get through tough situations is to go through them. Not being able to escape the madness of life seems depressing, doesn’t it? But all is not lost.
Jesus Christ, who walked on water and defeated death, prayed for us. In John 17:15 NLT, he said, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” Have you taken the time actually to think about that? The Son of God asked Father God to keep you and me from the evil one.
The Greek word “keep” here is téreó which means “to watch over” or “to guard.” God watches over and guards us. We are divinely protected. Even life’s worst circumstances can’t destroy us.
As the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 NLT, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed.”
We don’t need to avoid challenging situations.
We need to remember that God is sovereign. He is in complete control.
We need to trust His timing. He will make everything right in the nick of time.
We need to run to God when we want to run away from life.
We need to stop following the world.
Escapism is temporary. Faith in God is forever.
The next time you feel compelled to daydream, fantasize, shop, drink, indulge, avoid, ignore, run away, or escape your problems in any way, force yourself to trust God instead.
Take a deep breath and repeat this truth to yourself until your heart, mind, and soul believe it:
God is in control.
I don’t need to escape this situation because He’s already worked it out.
I just need to trust Him.
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