Friend, if you find yourself single, willingly or unwillingly, know and believe this...Jesus loves you unconditionally.

"Sit next to me."
Her hand raised, the woman in church with a kind face motioned for me to take a seat. My face felt hot with embarrassment as I took the empty space next to her, while I looked around at all the smiling couples, some with their children. Sensing my fear of being in a place I had long turned my back on, she gently took my hand, almost as if to make sure I didn’t run out of the sanctuary.
Maybe your season resembles mine, one of not only being single, but living a season punctuated with moments of fear and shame. The story of the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-26 offers a powerful example of overcoming these emotions by embracing Jesus' love.
In the midday heat, this woman came to the well, likely to avoid the other women of the town and the judgment they cast on her for her past and current lifestyle. Jesus, however, saw beyond her embarrassment. Much like the kind woman who invited me to sit next to her at church, Jesus engaged her in conversation when she had been shunned by others. This encounter changed her life and empowered her to share the good news with her community.
Friend, if you find yourself single, willingly or unwillingly, know and believe this:
Jesus loves you unconditionally.
Jesus' compassionate conversation with the Samaritan woman demonstrates this clearly. He didn’t condemn her but offered her hope and a new beginning - things she desperately needed. Romans 8:1 reassures us, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Embrace the truth that Jesus loves you deeply and unconditionally, regardless of your relationship status or past.
Friend, our fears can be transformed into a powerful witness of His love and grace. Remember, you are valued and cherished by God, and your single season is a beautiful part of His divine plan for your life.

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