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How to Remain Faithful in Business

Get ready to take a personal assessment to examine your resilience as you work your business.

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” (Matthew 25:23, NIV)

For many of us, our business is our calling. They are synonymous. It is not an asset to be sold. It is an extension of who we are, our gifts, and our calling.

We “know that we know” this is our life’s work. Doing anything else would be a waste of our talents.

At the end of our life, we want to hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

But how do you know if you’re being faithful? Take this opportunity to assess:

1. How are you using your gifts to serve those God has sent to you?

2. What are you doing with what (and who) He has entrusted to your care?

3. What fruit do you see in the lives of those you’re serving? Are they experiencing greater peace, love, joy, and freedom by working with you? If not, why not?

4. Is there multiplication in your business? Is your impact multiplying? Is your revenue multiplying?  If not, why not?

Now ask God to show you any changes He wants you to make. Invite Him to show you any area(s) where you may be out of alignment. For instance, you might be working with the wrong type of clients or solving the wrong problems for them. You might be working in an area of excellence, but you’re not in alignment with your God-given gifts and how He has uniquely created you.

As we come into full alignment with what God is calling us to, we will be found faithful. In doing so, we will be entrusted with more as we see in Matthew 25:29 “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”

You are a vital part of God’s Kingdom! Lean into where He is leading you.


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from the founder

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Behold all things are made new! In this 52-week devotional, get ready to grow in your Christian walk one week at a time with influential author, mentor, conference speaker, and founder of Inside Out Worldwide, Courtnaye Richard.


Each week, you will be encouraged, challenged, instructed, and equipped through real life topics and practices such as....

  • Spending focused time with God
  • Working well with others in church and at work

  • Trusting God even when you can't see

  • Controlling your emotions from the inside out

  • Setting boundaries in life

  • Self-care principles for Christian women

  • Pressing through fear in life and endeavors

  • And so many more topics


Courtnaye has created this brief, life-changing weekly women's devotional complete with monthly themes, scripture, practical insight, transparency, and a BONUS study guide! Choose to do it alone or use it for a small group. It's time to grow from the Inside Out, this week and beyond!

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