60 Minute Masterclass:
5 Steps to Getting More
Speaking & Writing Opportunities
Hey Sis! It's Courtnaye, here!
Are you a Christian writer, blogger, author, speaker or aspiring one? If you are, do you have a desire to...
Get more speaking gigs
Land more writing opportunities
Get paid to speak or write
Discover what it takes to become a better speaker or writer
Attract more leads
If you answered a wholehearted, "Yes!", then sign up for my 60 Minute Masterclass: 5 Steps to Getting More Speaking and Writing Opportunities. It is going to be loaded!
STARTS Thursday, March 3, 2022 @ 6:30pm (CST)
ONLY $47
($497 value)
*Replays will be available for registrants
Meet Your Mentor

Courtnaye Richard
Blogger, Author, Speaker & Mentor
Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out Media Group, LLC - a faith-based PR, Marketing & Mentorship Agency. In her 15 years of experience, she has worked with platforms such as PBS, CBN, Yahoo, & TCT Networks, as well as local television and print publications. Courtnaye is also the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in their walk with Christ from the heart and equips them to fulfill their God-given purpose. Courtnaye is also an author and contributing writer for ibelieve.com, Women’s Ministry Tools, YouVersion, and a speaker of a host of women’s conferences which include She Speaks, FlourishWriters, Entrusted Women, Becky Kiser's Online Women's Bible Study, and Amanda Davison's A Wife Like Me. She has appeared on popular podcast shows such as "The Martha & Mary Show" with Katie M. Reid and "I Choose My Best Life" with Dr. Saundra B. Dalton-Smith. Courtnaye's blog, Inside Out with Courtnaye reaches thousands of women across the globe and was listed as the Top 50 Christian Women Bloggers Every Woman Must Follow. She's passionate about helping women make a greater impact in their personal lives, homes, church, community, and purpose. To find out more information about Courtnaye, feel free to visit www.courtnayerichard.com.

"Courtnaye’s program was exactly what I needed to find my focus! I am so thankful that I was able to work with her.
~Karen Kay Smith
"I absolutely loved being a part of Courtnaye's program. It was obvious that she really cared about me and my progress toward my goals. I highly recommend Courtnaye as a mentor. This investment into myself was truly worth every penny!"
~April Nicole Scipio
"Where do I begin? I prayed for the right tools, resources, and mentor, and God delivered!"
~Delisa Rogers
"Courtnaye is a joy to work with! Her professionalism reflects godly excellence at its best. Being able to connect with someone who understands firsthand the unique dynamics of stewarding multiple callings and gifts in ministry has been a true blessing to me."
~Patrice Burrell
"Having Courtnaye as a mentor has been such a blessing! She is prompt, efficient, and thorough in everything that she does, all while displaying the sincere love of Jesus in each encounter. "
~Quinnise Pettway
"Courtnaye was so professional, knowledgeable, and encouraging! The information she provided was so impactful. Her training was spiritually inspirational, and it definitely helped build up my self-confidence more.
~Evelyn Joy Johnson